Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 unit 2 có đáp án

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 unit 2 có đáp án

Chuyên mục: Lớp 12 | 01/09/2016

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English4u tiếp tục giới thiệu tới các bạn bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 unit 2 với từng phần cụ thể để các em có thể luyện tập tại nhà mỗi ngày.

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 có đáp án

UNIT 2                          CULTURAL DIVERSITY

I.  Check (x) the correct column according to how the –ed is pronounced.

                   /t/       /d/      /ɪd/                      /t/       /d/      /ɪd/

1.     Talked

11. enjoyed

2.     Missed

12. decided

3.     washed

13. rugged

4.     called

14. watched

5.     occurred

15. rented

6.     wretched

16. robbed

7.     invited

17. faxed

8.     polluted

18. laughed

9.     studied

19. helped

10.  closed

20. demanded


Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 kèm đáp án

II.  Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in the box.

Confide   determine   maintain   oblige     precede   believe
  reject          sacrifice         conduct       demand       attract

1. The negotiations have been……………..in a positive manner.

2. Many prisoners are……………..to their cell for long periods of time.

3. Verbs are usually……………..by the subject in English.

4. Age and experience will be……………..factors in our choice of candidate.

5. ……………..your current weight through exercise and healthy eating is important.

6. She……………..everything for her children.

7. They are……………..to sell their house in order to pay their debts.

8. Customers have the right to……………..faulty goods and…………..a refund.

9.  I had always been……………..by the idea of working abroad.

10. Scientists……………..a cure for the disease will be discovered soon.

III. Complete these sentences, using the present perfect, present perfect progres-sive, past perfect or past perfect progressive.

1.   Maria Harris……………..in a rented flat since returning to Liverpool. (stay)

2.  This was the first time we had been to the castle, even though we…………… Edinburgh a few times before. (visit)

3.  I did 20 lengths of the pool today. I……………..that far since I was at school. (swim)

4.   Meg James……………..children’s stories for 10 years when she got her first book published. (write)

5.  Good, the noise……………... I can start concentrating on my work again. (stop)

6.  For some time Mark……………..about passing the exams and eventually decided to change the course he was taking. (worry)

7.  As house prices in the cities have risen, people……………..into the  Countryside. (move)

8.   My teacher was really annoyed with me. It was the third time I……………..

Late for school that week. (arrive)

9.   I……………..and I feel exhausted. (swim)

10. I……………..always……………..it would he easy to get a job, and was disappointed to be rejected. (believe)

11. He……………..football all afternoon and needs a shower! (play)

12. When I last saw John, he……………..and was out of breath. (run)

13. We……………..the car for 6 months before we discovered it was stolen. (own)

14. I…………..this book on astrophysics for hours and I’m still only on page 6. (read)

15. I……………..ice cream since I ate too much and was sick. (like)

IV. Underline the correct alternatives.

1.  It’s not a deep cut but it is leaving / is going to leave a scar.

2.  Did you know I am going to buywill buy a new car next week?

3.  ‘I’m not sure how I’ll get to the concert.’ ‘We can take you. We will pick / are going to pick you up at 8.00.’

4.  We get / are going to get our exam results on the 20th August.

5.  I’m sorry I can’t come for dinner. I am driving / will drive to York tonight.

6.  I have to go now. I am going to call / will call you back later today.

7.  Don’t go out now. I will serve / am serving lunch and it’ll be cold by the time you get / will get back.

8.  I think I will take / take  an umbrella in case it will rain / rains.

9.  Unless help arrives within the next few days, thousands are starving / are going to starve.

10. The concert starts / is going to start at 7.30 not 7.15 as it says in the program.

11. Tonight France play/ are playing Germany in a match important for both teams.
12. It’s unlikely that the government  will accept / accept the court’s decision.

V. Complete these sentences with the future form (will + infinitive; the future continuous; the  future perfect or future perfect continuous) and an appropri – ate verb: go, act, attend, revise, leave, do, finish, clear, be, close, jearn, put, sit, use, enjoy.

1. Will you have lunch with me on 24th? – I’d love to, but I afraid I ……………..my exam then.

2. In a hundred years time people……………..to Mars for their holidays.

3. By the end of my university course I……………..1200 lectures.

4. Without more cheap housing, families……………..the village and find homes in town.

5. Weather forecast says that the rain ……………..by the morning and tomorrow……………..dry.

6. I suppose by now school……………..for Christmas and you……………..
a rest.

7. In two years time Morneau……………..for 50 years and show no sign of retiring from the theater.

8. Don’t ring her up at 10 o’clock; she……………..the children to bed. Ring later.
9. This time next Monday I……………..in a Paris café reading Le Figaro.

10. I am confident that I……………..the report  before the end of  the week.

11. This book on Proust is really difficult. On  Saturday I……………..it for a month, and I’m still only half  way.

12. I……………..my car until next week so you can borrow it if you like.

13. I’m enjoying the course. I……………..a lot by the time I’ve complete it.

14. I’ve got an exam tomorrow, so I can’t come out tonight. I……………..all evening.
15. I’m late with my project. I……………..it by the time we’re supposed to hand it in.

VI.  Put the verb in the brackets into the correct form.

1. Think carefully. I’m sure you……………..(remember) his name.

2. On arrival at home I……………..(find) that she……………..(leave)  just a few minutes before.

3. He……………..(light) a cigarette and……………..(walk) to the door.

4. I’m sorry I couldn’t  stop when I……………..(see) you the other day. I……………..(catch) a train, so I was in a hurry.

5. She……………..(sleep)  for 10 hours! You must wake her.

6. David……………..(repair) the TV set at the moment. He……………..(work) at it for one hour or so.

7. Just as I…………..(leave) home for school the telephone……………..(ring).

8. For the last six months I……………..(have) a job as a hospital porter.

9. I suppose when I………..(come) back in two years time they……………..(pull) down all these old buildings.

10. He……………..(leave) for London 2 years ago and I ……………..(not see) him since.

11. At this time next week they……………..(sit) in the train on their way to Paris.
12. My father……………..(fight) for four years in the last war.

13. I’m taking my daughter out tonight. She……………..(not have) fun for a long time.

14. After the guests……………..(leave) she……………..(go) back into the living room and……………..(switch) off the lights.

15. I……………..(go) out to get an evening paper. – But it……………..(rain).

Why don’t  you wait until the rain……………..(stop).

16. As the rain……………..(stop) at last, we decided to leave the shelter and walk on.

17. They were the guests of honour, so we……………..(all/wait) for them.

18. In a few years time we all……………..(live) in houses heated by solar energy.

19. It……………..(snow) heavily for hours and when I went to the door I couldn’t open it.

20. Mark……………..(not understand) the instruction, so he……………..(give) up trying to make the machine work.

VII. Choose the correct answer.

1.   I’ll come to see you before I……………..for the United States

      a. leave             b. will leave            c. have left             d. am leaving
2.   My brother……………..for a job since he graduated  from college.

      a. is looking                                       b. looked                     
      c. was looking                                    d. has been looking

3.   He……………..to  London three times this year.

      a. has been          b. was                     c. will be                d. had been

4.   When I last……………..him, he……………..in London.

      a. saw – has been living                     b. see – is living 

      c. saw – was living                             d. have seen – lived

5.   Next weekend we……………..the  children to the zoo.

      a. take                                                b. have taken       
      c. will have taken                               d. are going to take

6.   I was sad when I sold  my car I……………..it for a very long time.

      a. am running                                     b. were running

      c. have been running                           d. had been running

7.   His knowledge of  languages and international relations…………….. in his
present work.

      a. aids                  b. aid                     c. have  aided          d. was aided

8.   By next month, Laura……………..for the company for twenty years.

      a. will be working                              b. will work

      c. has been working                                     d. will have been working

9.   The children……………..football in the pank when their father comes home.

      a. will play           b. will be playing      c. are playing                d. would play

10. By the age of 30,he……………..three best-sellers

      a. wrote                        b. has written            c. was writing                 d. had written

11. I have never player table tennis before. This is the first time i……………..to play.
      a. try                   b. tried                        c. have tried           d. am trying

12. While her brother was in the army, Sarah……………..to him twice a week.

      a. was writing       b. wrote                    c. has written                  d. had written

13. Hurry up! Our train……………..at 7 o’clock. We have just a little minutes.

      a. leaves                                                 b. is leaving         
      c. will be leaving                                   d. is going to leave

14. The child is still ill but he……………..better  gradually.

      a. gets                  b. is getting                c. has gotten          d. got

15. Don’t bother her. She…………..her violin lesson; she always……………..it in the morning.

      a. takes – is taking                                 b. takes – takes

      c. is taking – is taking                               d. is taking – takes

16. I……………..an early night, but some friends called round.

      a. was going to have                              b. would have

      c. had had                                             d. was having

17. The existence of many stars in the sky……………..us to suspect that there may be life on another planet.

      a. lead                   b. leads                     c. led                     d. have led

18. The population of the world……………..at a tremendous rate and……………..out of  control.

       a. has increased – are soon going to      b. is increased – soon will be

       c. is increasing – soon will be               d. has been increasing – are soon

19. Medical researchers……………..for ways to control, prevent and cure cancers.
       a. look                                                  b. are looking

       c. have looked                                                d. had been running

20. When I last saw John, he……………..and was out of  breath.

       a. was running                                               b. ran

       c. has run                                             d. had been running

VIII. Complee each of  these sentences with an appropriate preposition.

1. Do you believe……………..‘contractual’ marriage?

2. What first attract you……………..the study of  Buddhism?

3. In the past, parents usually decided……………..the marriage of  their children.

4. A survey was made to determine the students attitudes……………..love and marriage.
5. We’re studying the body’s immune response……………..the virus.

6. He is more concerned……………..what people think  about him than anything else.

7. Few Asian students agreed……………..the American students view that
wives and husbands should share all thoughts.

8. A happy marriage should be based……………..love

9. There are differences and similarities……………..Vietnamese and American cultures.
10. Let’s confine our attention……………..the problem of illegal drugs.

IX.  Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word(s) in brackets.

1. I’ve arranged to have next week off work. (I’m)

2. This time tomorrow we’ll be in the air over the Atlantic.  (Flying)

3. None of  the guests will still be here tomorrow.  (all)

4. We’ll get to the theater after the beginning of  the play.  (by the time)

5. Anderson is the winner of  this year’s Grand Prix!  (won)

6. During my dinner, the phone rang.  (while)

7. When I finally go into hospital, I’ll have had a ten-month wait.   (been)

8. The parcel has been here for two hours.  (arrived)

9. Weeks passed as Karen lay in hospital.  (for)

10. Jack left the office before I arrived there.  (when)

11. There’s party at Mary’s house next Sunday.  (having)

12. Our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary is at the end of next year.  (married)

13. When she heard the results, Mary began to feel more confident.  (since)

14. The last time Nancy came here was in 1996.  (since)

15. I’ve only recently started wearing glasses.  (until)



Luyện bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 tại nhà

Đáp án


1. /t/

2. /t/

3. /t/

4. /d/

5. /d/

6. /t/

7. /id/

8. /id/

9. /d/

10. /d/

11. /d/

12. /id/

13. /d/

14. /t/

15. /id/

16. /d/

17. /t/

18. /t/

19. /t/

20. /id/


1. conducted

2. confined

3. preceded

4. determining

5. maitaining

6. sacrified

7. obliged

8. reject – demand

9. attracted

10. believe


1. has been staying (has stayed is also possible)

2. had visited

3. haven’t swum

4. had been writing (had written is also possible)

5. has stopped

6. had been worring (had worred is also possible)

7. have been moving (have moved is also possible)

8. had arrived

9. have been believed

10. had always believed

11. has been playing

12. had been running

13. had owned

14. have been reading (have read is also possible)

15. have not liked


1. is going to leave

2. am going to buy

3. will pick

4. get

5. am driving

6. will call

7. am serving – get

8. will take – rains

9. are going to starve

10. starts

11. plays

12. will accept


1. will be doing

2. will be going

3. will have attended

4. will leave

5. will have cleared – will be

6. will have closed – will be enjoying

7. will have been acting/will have acted

8. will be putting

9. will be sitting

10. will have finished

11. will have been reading

12. won’t be using/won’t use

13. will have learned

14. will be revising

15. won’t have finished


1. will remember

2. found – had left

3. lit – walked

4. saw – was catching

5. has been sleeping

6. is repairing – has been working

7. has left – rang

8. have had

9. come – will have pulled

10. left – haven’t seen

11. will be sitting

12. fought

13. hasn’t had

14. had left – went – switched

15. am going – is raining – stops

16. had stopped

17. were all waiting

18. will be living

19. had been snowing

20. didn’t understand – gave up


1. a

2. d

3. a

4. c

5. d

6. d

7. a

8. d

9. b

10. d

11. c

12. b

13. a

14. b

15. d

16. a

17. b

18. c

19. b

20. d


1. in

2. to

3. on

4. towards

5. to

6. about/for

7. with

8. on

9. between

10. to


1. I’m having/I’m going to have next week off work.

2. This time tomorrow we will flying over the Atlantic.

3. All of the guests will have gone/left by tomorrow

4. By the time we get to the theater, the play will have begun.

5. Anderson has won this year’s Grand Prix!

6. While I was having my dinner, the phone rang.

7. When I finally go into hospital. I’ll have been waiting for ten months.

8. The parcel arrived two hours ago.

9. Karen lay in hospital for weeks.

10. When I arrived at the office, jack had left.

11. Next Sunday Mary is having a party at her house.

12. By the end of next year we will have been married for twenty five years.

13. Since hearing the results Mary has felt more confident.

14. Nancy hasn’t been here since 1996.

15. I didn’t wear glasses until recently.

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