Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 unit 13 có đáp án
Cùng luyện tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 qua unit 13 kèm đáp án dưới đây nhé các em. Hệ thống bài tập theo từng unit được English4u giới thiệu dưới đây chắc chắn sẽ là nguồn tài liệu tham khảo bổ ích cho các em học sinh lớp 12.
Cùng luyện tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 qua unit 13 kèm đáp án dưới đây nhé các em. Hệ thống bài tập theo từng unit được English4u giới thiệu dưới đây chắc chắn sẽ là nguồn tài liệu tham khảo bổ ích cho các em học sinh lớp 12.
Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 có đáp án
Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 có đáp án chuẩn
I. Which word has the main stress on the first syllable? Circle it.
1. admire |
enthusiast |
organize |
successful |
2. spectator |
outstanding |
overwhelm |
podium |
3. athletics |
countrymen |
solidarity |
precision |
4. impress |
presented |
defend |
medals |
5. quantity |
technology |
reliable |
energetic |
6. development |
determination |
sportsmanship |
proposal |
7. participate |
delegate |
competitor |
facilities |
8. spirit |
event |
result |
karatedo |
9. intensive |
opponent |
Record-breaker |
employee |
10. compete |
amazing |
defeat |
attitude |
II. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word to complete the passage.
The 22nd Southeast Asian Games were (1)…………………in Hanoi, Vietnam from 5 December – 13 December 2003. The games were opened by Vietnamese prime minister Phan Van Khai in the newly constructed My Dinh National (2) …………………in Hanoi. The games (3)…………………was lit by Nguyen Thuy Hien of Wushu. It was the first time in SEAG history that the game venues were assigned into two (4)…………………namely Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
(5)…………………the Vietnamese Government and people’s efforts and international support, the 22nd SEA Games is not only a song of honesty and nobility (8)…………………competition and organizing competition but also a sign of a bright future for the development of regional (9)…………………. The organizing committee presented 444 golds, 441 silvers and 555 bronzes to winners at the Games where 26 (10)…………………were broken.
III. Complete the sentences, using the structure comparative + and + comparative.
1. The company expanded rapidly. It grew…………………all the time. (big)
2. Cathy got…………………in her job. In the end she left. (bored)
3. My bags seemed to get…………………as I carried them. (heavy)
4. As I waited for my interview, I became…………………. (nervous)
5. As the day went on, the weather got…………………. (bad)
6. Health care is becoming…………………. (expensive)
7. As the conversation went on, Paul became…………………. (talkative)
8. These days…………………people are learning English. (many)
9. The company’s share price went…………………. (high)
10. Life got……………for boss Bob Watts as the company became……………
(good – successful)
IV. Rewrite the sentences, using the … the … .
1. The crowd became increasingly angry at the long delay.
2. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is.
3. How well I sleep depends on how late I go to bed.
4. I don’t spend much time with my family because I work so hard.
5. The traffic moves very slowly as more cars come into the city.
6. How much you sweat depends on how hot you get.
7. The idea becomes less attractive as I think about it more.
8. How much petrol a car uses depends on the size of the engine.
9. It’s hard to concentrate when you are tired.
10. The service of a hotel depends on how expensive it is.
V. Underline the correct or more likely alternative.
1. After I ironed my shirt it looked more creased/ creaseder than before.
2. The river was more deep/ deeper than I expect.
3. I think I’d describe her as more pretty/ prettier than beautiful.
4. I expected the film to be rather duil, but I couldn’t have been more wrong/ wronger.
5. I bought this tennis racket because it’s more strong/ stronger.
6. As a politician I often receive threats, but some are more real/ realer than others.
7. There were two routes up the hill, but as we had lots of time we took the more long/ longer, more winding/ windinger one.
8. Sam isn’t a bad boy really. He’s more naughty/ naughtier than dishonest.
9. Although a different speaker began to talk, I felt even more bored/ boreder than before.
10. The exam was more hard/ harder than I thought it would be.
11. We need to take responsibility for elderly neighbours, and in a cold winter like this it is more true/ truer than ever.
12. If the critics were wrong about Willis’s first novel, they couldn’t have been more right/ righter about her second.
13. I must ring home today and find out if there’s any farther/ further news about my mother and her operation.
14. ‘Is your sister younger than you?’ ‘No, she is elder/ older.’
15. Although the paint was called’Sky blue’, I thought it was more green/ greener than blue.
VI. Comment on the information using a comparative or a superlative adjective.
1. The Excalibur Hotel in Las Vegas has over 4000 rooms. No other hotel in the world is so large.
The Excalibur Hotel is………………………………………………………….
2. India is puite a crowded country. It has 294 people per square kilometer. But Bangladesh has 763 people per square kilometer.
Bangladesh is…………………………………………………………………...
3. Telecom Tower is 180 meter tall, but Canada Tower in East London is 250 meters tall.
Canada Tower is………………………………………………………………..
4. The Beatles were a very successful group. They sold over a billion dise and tapes. No other group in the world has been as successful.
The Beatles were………………………………………………………………..
5. Venus has a diameter of 12104 kilometers. It isn’t as big as the Earth, which has a diameter of 12.756 kilometers.
The Earth is……………………………………………………………………..
6. 2.6 million people visited the Tower of London last year, but it wasn’t as popolar as Madame Tussaud’s waxwork museum, which had 2.8 million visitors.
Last year Madame Tussaud’s was……………………………………………...
7. The River Severn is 220 miles long. No other river in Britain is so long.
The River Severn is…………………………………………………………….
8. Cambridge University dates from 1284, but it isn’t as old as Oxford University, which dates from 1167.
Oxford University is…………………………………………………………...
9. The Mona Lisa is worth many millions of dollars. No other picture in the world is so valuable.
The Mona Lisa is……………………………………………………………….
10. Toby, who lived in New York, was a much-loved dog. When his owner died, she left him $75 million, which made him a world record breaker among wealthy dogs.
Toby was………………………………………………………………………….
VII. Complete the following sentences with a suitable comparative or superlative form of the word in brackets.
1. According to a computer, Spanish is……………….(easy) foreign language to learn.
2. Dogs are intelligent but not……………….(intelligent) chimpanzees.
3. They say it’s……………….(good) to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
4. Even……………….(carefully) prepared plans can go wrong.
5. England isn’t……………….(mountainous country) Scotland.
6. Reykjavik is the world’s……………….(northern) capital city.
7. Your composition is full of mistakes because you didn’t spend half…………. (time) on it……………….you should have!
8. Don’t worry, you ‘ll be OK with Gery, he’s……………….(careful driver) you could wish to have.
9. In the Alto Adige region of Italy, German dialect is spoken much…………… (frequently) Italian.
10. Sumo wresters must be……………….(heavy) athletes in the world.
VIII. Complete this text about holidays. Put one word in each space.
Where are you going for your next holiday? (1)……………….people go on holiday fairly regularly, and maybe some of them have a good time. But holidays aren’t (2)……………….pleasant an experience (3)……………….the advertisers would like us to believe. In fact, a holiday is probably the (4) ……………….stressful thing you’ll experience this year. Besides the bother of choosing and organizing it, there’s the worry about whether it will be worth it. (5)……………….more money you spend, (6)……………….more you’ll feel bound to pretend that you’re enjoying yourself. Anyone who has been on a holiday fight will know that airports are getting more (7)……………….more crowed, and that long delays are common. Holidays may be a good thing, but you can be sure that staying at home is even (8)……………….for you. It’s certainly (9)……………….dangerous. You’ll be much safer at home (10) ……………….wandering around a strange place with a pocket full of money under the eyes of the local criminals. Accidents and disasters are much (11) ……………….likely to happen on holiday. If you want peace and quiet, you don’t need to go any (12)……………….than your own balcony or back garden. Have a nice time!
IX. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the previous one.
1. Couldn’t you find a better hotel?
Is this……………………………………………………………………………
2. He lost his money simply because he wasn’t careful.
3. He has never behaved so violently before.
He is behaving……………………………………………………………………
4. We arrived too late to see the first part of the film.
We didn’t…………………………………………………………………………
5. People no longer smoke so many cigarettes as they used to.
6. As television programs become more popular, they seem to get worse.
The more…………………………………………………………………………
7. There weren’t nearly as many people there as I had expected.
There were far……………………………………………………………………
8. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t open the door.
9. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.
The less…………………………………………………………………………...
10. Though my house was cheaper than Norman’s, it is bigger and more attractive.
Norman’s house may……………………………………………………………..
Luyện tập tiếng Anh tại nhà
1. organize |
3. countrymen |
5. quantity |
7. delegate |
9. record-breaker |
2. podium |
4. medals |
6. sportsmanship |
8. spirit |
10. attitude |
1. held/ organized |
3. torch |
5. with |
7. spirit |
9. sports |
2. stadium |
4. cities |
6.festival |
8. in |
10. records |
1. bigger and bigger |
6. more and more expensive |
2. more and more bored |
7. more and more talkative |
3. heavier and heavier |
8. more and more |
4. more and more nervous |
9. higher and higher |
5. worse and worse |
10. better and better – more and more successful |
1. The longer the delay was, the angrier the crowd became.
2. The more famous an artist is, the more valuable the picture is.
3. The later I go to bed the better I sleep.
4. The harder I work, the less time I spend with my family.
5. The more cars come into the city, the more slowly/ the slower the traffic moves.
6. The hotter you get, the more you sweat.
7. The more I think about it, the less attractive the idea becomes.
8. The bigger/ larger the engine (is), the more petrol a car uses/ The greater the size of the engine, the more petrol a car uses.
9. The more tired you are, the harder it is to concentrate.
10. The more expensive the hotel (is), the better service (it is).
1. more creased |
6. more real |
11. truer |
2. deeper |
7. longer-more winding |
12. more right |
3. more pretty |
8. more naughty |
13. further |
4. more wrong |
9. more bored |
14. older |
5. stronger |
10. harder |
15. more green |
1. The Excalibur Hotel is the largest hotel in the world.
2. Bangladesh is more crowded than India.
3. Canada Tower is taller than Telecom Tower.
4. The Beatles were the most successful group in the world.
5. The Earth is bigger than Venus.
6. Last year Madame Tussaud’s was more popular than the Tower of London.
7. The River Severn is the longest river in Britain.
8. Oxford University is older than Cambridge University.
9. The Mona Lisa is the most valuable picture in the world.
10. Toby was the wealthiest dog in the world.
1. the easiest |
6. most northern/ most northerly/ northernmost |
2. so/ as intelligent as |
7. as much time … as |
3. better |
8. as careful a driver as |
4. the most carefully |
9. more frequently than |
5. as/ so mountainous a country as |
10. the heaviest |
1. most |
4. most |
7. and |
10. than |
2. as/ so |
5. the |
8. better |
11. more |
3. as |
6. the |
9. less |
12. further/ farther |
1. Is this the best hotel you could find?
2. If he had been more careful he wouldn’t have lost his money.
3. He is behaving more violently than ever before.
4. We didn’t arrive in time/ early enough to see the first part of the him.
5. The smoking of cigarettes is no longer as popular/ widespread as it used to be.
6. The more popular television programs, the worse they seem to get.
7. There were far fewer people than I had expected.
8. Try as hard as I might I couldn’t open the door.
9. The less time my boss has, the better he works.
10. Norman’s house may have been more expensive but it is smaller and less attractive than mine.
Sau khi làm xong bài tập, các em có thể kiểm tra đáp án bên dưới để biết mình đang yếu phần nào, cần cải thiện phần nào nhé. Hoặc có thể download bản đầy đủ tại đây. Ngoài ra trên trang còn có các khóa học về ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, từ vựng tiếng Anh rất hiệu quả. Các em có thể tham khảo để luyện tập tại nhà nhé.
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