Bài viết tiếng Anh về cuộc sống ở thành phố
Hướng dẫn cách viết bài viết tiếng Anh về cuộc sống ở thành phố với cách phát triến ý logic và khoa học nhất.
Bạn muốn miêu tả cuộc sống ở thành phố bằng tiếng Anh. Hay chỉ đơn giản là muốn so sánh cuộc sống ở thành phố và nông thôn. Tuy nhiên bạn chưa biết nên sử dụng những từ vựng tiếng Anh nào để đưa vào hay thậm chí chưa biết cách viết và triển khai ý ra sao. Dưới đây là một số từ vựng tiếng Anh cơ bản và bài viết tiếng Anh về cuộc sống ở thành phố mà bạn có thể tham khảo.
Cách viết bài tiếng Anh về cuộc sống ở thành phố
1. Từ vựng tiếng Anh liên quan đến cuộc sống thành phố
- Live in a city/a town/an urban environment/ the suburbs/ shanty town/ slums: Sống trong thành phố/ thị trấn/ môi trường đô thị/ ngoại ô/khu xập xệ/ ổ chuột
- Live downtown/in the downtown area/ in the city centre: Sống ở khu buôn bán kinh doanh/ khu trung tâm thành phố
- Enjoy the hectic pace of life/ the hustle and bustle of city life: Thích nhịp sôi động của cuộc sống/sự hối hả và nhộn nhịp của cuộc sống thành thị
- Cope with the stress/pressure of urban life: Đối phó với sự căng thẳng/ áp lực của cuộc sống thành thị
- Get caught up in the rat race: Bị mắc vào cuộc sống luẩn quẩn
- Seek the anonymity of life in a big city: Ẩn mình trong thành phố lớn
- Love the vibrant/lively nightlife: Yêu thích cuộc sống về đêm sôi động/ tràn đầy sức sống
- Have all the amenities: Có tất cả những tiện nghi
- Use/ travel by/ rely on public transport: Dùng/ đi bằng/ dựa vào phương tiện giao thông công cộng
- Put up with/ get stuck in/sit in massive/ heavy/ endless/ constant traffic jams: Chịu đựng/ bị kẹt trong/ ngồi trong ùn tắc lớn/ dữ dội/ vô tận/ liên tục
- Tackle/ease/reduce/alleviate the traffic congestion: Giải quyết/ làm dịu/ giảm/ làm nhẹ bớt sự tắc nghẽn giao thông
- Road /roʊd/: Đường
- Lane /leɪn/: Làn đường
- Route /ruːt/ Tuyến đường
- Path /pæθ/: Đường mòn
- Trail / treɪl/: Đường mòn leo núi (thường là những con đường nhỏ lên núi)
- Dotted line /ˈdɑːtɪd laɪn/: Vạch phân cách
- Bus Stop /bʌs/: Điểm dừng xe bus
- Barrier / ˈbæriər /= Fence / fens /: Hàng rào ko cho đi qua
- Parking lot /ˈpɑːrkɪŋ lɑːt/ = Car park / kɑːr pɑːrk /: Bãi đỗ xe
- Sidewalk /ˈsaɪdwɔːk/ = Pavement / ˈpeɪvmənt/ Vỉa hè
- Traffic light /ˈtræfɪk laɪt /: Đèn giao thông
- Sign /saɪn/ Biển hiệu
- Take care Slope ahead /teɪk ker sloʊp əˈhed/: Cận thận đoạn đường phía trước dốc
- Rough road /rʌf roʊd/: Đường gồ ghề
- Unsafe area Do not enter /ʌnˈseɪf ˈeriə də nɑːt ˈentər /: Khu vực nguyên hiểm, không được vào
- Ben /ben/= Curve /kɜːrv/ : Đường cong
- Reduce speed /rɪˈduːs spiːd/= Slow down / sloʊ daʊn / Giảm tốc độ
- Road works ahead /roʊd wɜːrks əˈhed/: Phía trước công trường đang thi công
- Restroom /ˈrestruːm /: WC
- No parking /noʊ ˈpɑːrkɪŋ /: Cấm độ xe
- Danger area /ˈdeɪndʒər ˈeriə/: Khu vực nguy hiểm
- Caution /ˈkɔːʃn /: Chú ý, cận thận
- Warning /ˈwɔːrnɪŋ/: Cảnh báo
- No hitch hiking / noʊ hɪtʃ ˈhaɪkɪŋ /: Cấm bắt xe (Cấm xin đi nhờ xe)
- Exit /ˈeksɪt/: Lối thoát hiểm
- Passing prohibited /ˈpæsɪŋ prəˈhɪbɪt/: Cấm vượt
- Falling rocks / fɔːl ɪŋ rɑːks /: Đá rơi
- Slippery road / ˈslɪpəri roʊd /: Đường trơn
- Roadway narrows /ˈroʊdweɪ ˈnæroʊz/: Đường hẹp
- avenue /ˈævənuː/: đại lộ
- bus shelter /bʌs ˈʃeltər/: mái che chờ xe buýt
- telephone box /’telɪfoʊn bɑːks/ = telephone booth /ˈtelɪfoʊn buːθ/ quầy điện thoại
- high street /haɪ striːt/: phố lớn
- Lamp post /læmp poʊst/: cột đèn đường
- parking meter /ˈpɑːrkɪŋ ˈmiːtər/: đồng hồ tính tiền đỗ xe
- pavement /ˈpeɪvmənt/= sidewalk/ ˈsaɪdwɔːk/: vỉa hè
- pedestrian crossing /pəˈdestriən ˈkrɔːsɪŋ /: vạch sang đường
- pedestrian subway / pəˈdestriən ˈsʌbweɪ /: đường hầm đi bộ
- side street /saɪd striːt/: phố nhỏ
- Signpost /ˈsaɪnpoʊst/: cột biển báo
- taxi rank /ˈtæksi ræŋk/: bãi đỗ taxi
- office building /ˈɒf.ɪs ˈbɪl.dɪŋ/ tòa nhà văn phòng
- lobby /ˈlɒb.i/ hành lang, sảnh
- corner /ˈkɔː.nəʳ/ góc đường
- crosswalk /ˈkrɒs.wɔːk/ vạch kẻ cho người qua đường
- department store /dɪˈpɑːt.mənt stɔːʳ/ bách hóa tổng hợp
- bakery /ˈbeɪ.kər.i/ tiệm bánh mì
- pay phone /’peɪ fəʊn/ điện thoại công cộng
- street sign /striːt saɪn/ chỉ dẫn đường
- post office /pəʊst ˈɒf.ɪs/ bưu điện
- traffic cop /ˈtræf.ɪk kɒp/ cảnh sát giao thông
- intersection /ˌɪn.təˈsek.ʃən/ giao lộ
- pedestrian /pəˈdes.tri.ən/ người đi bộ
- bus stop /bʌs stɒp/ điểm dừng xe buýt
- bench /bentʃ/ ghế đợi
- waste basket /ˈweɪstbæskɪt/ thùng rác
- subway station /ˈsʌb.weɪ ˈsteɪ.ʃən/ trạm xe điện ngầm
- elevator /ˈel.ɪ.veɪ.təʳ/ thang máy (dạng nâng)
- Bookstore /ˈbʊk.stɔːʳ/ hiệu sách
- Parking garage /ˈpɑː.kɪŋ ˈgær.ɑːʒ/ nơi đỗ xe
- Parking meter /ˈpɑː.kɪŋ ˈmiː.təʳ/ máy thu tiền đậu xe ở đường phố
- Traffic light /ˈtræf.ɪk laɪt/ đèn giao thông
- Apartment house /əˈpɑːt.mənt haʊs/ chung cư
- Building number /ˈbɪl.dɪŋ ˈnʌm.bəʳ/ số tòa nhà
- Sidewalk /ˈsaɪd.wɔːk/ vỉa hè
- Curb /kɜːb/ lề đường
- Fruit and vegetable market /fruːt nd ˈvedʒ.tə.bļ ˈmɑː.kɪt/ chợ hoa quả và rau
- Street light /ˈstriːt laɪt/ đèn đường
- Newsstand /ˈnjuːz.stænd/ sạp báo
Miêu tả cuộc sống sôi động ở thành phố
2. Những bài viết tiếng Anh về cuộc sống ở thành phố
Bài 1:
City is a place where life has become modern and comfortable and also mechanised. It is a huge habitation with brilliant life and life style to be seen everywhere.
For a correct assessment of city life we have to look at both the pros and cons of the city life, understand its advantages and disadvantages, and its merits and demerits.
People throng to a city basically for their employment i.e. for a means for a living or earning. This of course is absolutely necessary for all human beings and a city offers more avenues and has greater potential for jobs and there are more job opportunities. It is for this main reason that people come and crowd the cities.
This does pay as; the city has more to offer for people of all categories. This is not available in smaller places or villages. No matter what the talents and capacities of individuals, all of them get absorbed in cities as; it offers them all the power to sustain themselves.
Since every individual is busy looking for opportunities of livelihood there is bound to be in city a tough competition. Whether it is a competition for a job, for an examination or space or an office, or, as much as, even an area for begging, a city offers a very keen competition for all no matter what they follow.
This in turn results in the obvious tensions and hurry found in city life. In a city if we watch for some time, the impression we get is that, everyone is or at least seems to be running to his destination, lest someone else reaches there before.
There is besides the tensions of city life, a lot of glamour in most of them. This glamour also has its own attraction for the people rushing to cities. Life style becomes good as, there is a lot of money flowing in a city.
Just as job avenues are in plenty, the entertainment avenues are also in plenty. These avenues of entertainment and the light of glamour in cities have their charm and also their drawbacks.
The city children try to ape the scenes they see around full of glamour and priceless enjoyment. Seeing all this when most of them grow to be bereft of most of this, they feel left out and frustrated.
One most attractive point of city life is that here we find multifaceted avenues of education, which is completely lacking in small places. This gives the children a vast spectrum of choices of study to follow.
No matter what each child in a city is fond of doing, he/she is sure to find a place where his/her avenue of studies is taught. This is a great advantage to the children in cities, and this is exactly why, the city children are smarter and more exposed to the world, compared to their counterparts in villages.
Bài 2:
The human civilization underwent many changes and developments with the passage of time. Early man lived in caves and forests. They lived on the food available in the forests. Science has blessed mankind with all the basic comforts of life. Man started living in cities. Cities became the major centers of live hood. A city has larger population compared to a town and a village.
Life is full of activities in a big city. A big city is a centre of all types of education. It is a centre of trade, medical facilities, business and recreation. The population increase during the daytime. People staying the nearby villages and towns come to the city on different errands.
Life in a big city starts early in the morning. many school buses carrying school children can be seen playing on roads. School children dressed in their uniform can be seen on the roads walking or waiting for buses. Some are seen moving on scooters and in cars. Then a long queue of office-workers can be seen at the bus stops. Some go by their own vehicles and others go by buses or trains. Some people use cycles and auto rickshaws to go to their destination. People flock to the market to buy vegetables and household goods. With every passing hour, the traffic goes on increasing. The shops and the market places remain crowded till the evening hours.
Life in the city has certain charms. There are many places for recreation. There are big parks, hotels and clubs for entertainment. There are discotheques for music lovers and party-goers.
Bài 3:
Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices open, students flock to their schools and the day's work begins. The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business. Then towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. The city could, therefore, be described as a place of ceaseless activity. Here, the drama of life is enacted every day.
Bài 4:
Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices opens, studend flock to their school and the day’s work begins. The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business.
The towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. One who has not been to the city before finds it hars to move about at this time. Soon, however, there is almost no activity in several parts of the city. These parts are usually the business centres.
With the coming of night, another kind of activity begins. The streets are now full of colourful lights. The air is cooler and life becomes more leisurely. People now seek entertainment. Many visit the cinemas, parks and clubs, while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio. Some visit friends and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines. Those who are interested in politics discuss the latest political developments. At the same time, hundreds of crimes are committed. Thieves and robbers who wait dor the coming of night become active, and misfortune descends upon many. For the greed of a few, many are killed, and some live in constant fear. To bring criminals to justice, the officers of the law are always on the move.
Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which are open till late in the night. Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year. The facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to futher their studies and increase their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many. As a result, the people of the city are usually better informed than those of the village, where even a newpaper is sometimes difficult to get.
The city could, therefore, be described as a plave of ceaseless activiy. Here, the drama of life is enacted every day.
Những bài viết tiếng Anh về cuộc sống ở thành phố được giới thiệu ở trên sẽ là nguồn tài liệu tham khảo bổ ích cho bạn khi luyện viết tiếng Anh đó. Các bạn cố gắng luyện tập cho mình thói quen viết tiếng Anh mỗi ngày nhé.
Bài viết cùng chuyên mục
- Chia sẻ cách xưng hô chuẩn mực trong tiếng Anh 27/11
- Tên các ngày lễ nước ngoài bằng tiếng Anh 09/08
- Tên các trường đại học Việt Nam bằng tiếng Anh (phần 2) 03/08
- Tên các trường Đại học Việt Nam bằng tiếng Anh (phần 1) 02/08
- Cách học tiếng Anh cơ bản hiệu quả nhất 02/08
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- Những thành ngữ tiếng Anh thú vị về thời tiết 19/07
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- Cách học tiếng Anh qua phim cho người mới bắt đầu hiệu quả 11/07
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